


Employees of the CEJ, students from the nearby town of Sucre and volunteers from all over the world enrich the project with their own ideas!


Ronald Soliz

Ing. For mechanical engineering
Main Responsibility  of Cajamarca since 2017  He is also representative of CEJ-Cajamarca in the municipality and the authorities.


Simona Tabuada und Santos Villca

Responsable en el centro juvenil ecológico en agricultura y silvicultura, cuidado de animales y trabajos de renovación y en atención al huésped


Marlene Yucra

qualified pedagogue
Manager of the center in Tarabuco, volunteer service, guests and kitchen


Victor Hugo Rosso

Electrical engineer
First Chairman of the CEJ between 2010 -2014, responsible for the solar-powered electrical networking  of all houses and workshops.


Ulices Murguia

Courses and guided tours, collectors of legends and stories around the two ecological centers


Alberto Tapia P.

Ing. For Environmental Planning
chairman of the CEJ from 2014 – 2018


Leo Sausiri

Agricultural engineer.
Working for several years in the CEJ. Since 2017 permanently employed in the Cajamarca center. Representative of the head Ronald Soliz in all work areas.


Anselmo Arí

agricultural engineer

He has been president of the youth group since 2017. “Asociación Ecológica Juvenil en Chuquisaca” (AEJ-CH). The association teaches school classes, teachers and environmental associations at the national level.


Jacob Sausiri

Agricultural Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering,
Has been supporting the center for several years


Andres Dehmel

Diploma social pedagogue
Chairman of the CEJ since 2017



Volunteer, 2018-’19 from the organisation “Weltwärts”


Uganda Vedia

Board of the CEJ
Consultant in all legal questions of the association.


Yanett Vedia

Diploma Accountant
Board and chief responsible for accounting.


Augusto Ruíz

Ing. for water management and sanitary specialist.
Employee since 1992


Alex Soliz

Student, employee since 2015