Leisure offers

Nature trail, guided hikes, nature playgrounds, hikes in the high mountains (4000m) and to the cave paintings of about 2000 years ago.   The town of Sucre is about 30 …


“Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho” Annelie Dehmel was awarded the Order of the City of Sucre in 2010. “Asamblea de Derecho’s Humanos” In 2013, A. Dehmel received a Personal Award for …

Structure and idea

  Annelie Dehmel, the founder of the project, acquired 30 hectares of stony mountain slopes in the high valley of Cajamarca 30 years ago with own financial and friend funds. …


Imkerschulungen CEJ bietet Imkerschulungen an. Gewächshäuser, Gemüseanbau    Hühner, Enten und Gänse     Pflanzen z.b. in vertikalen Röhren, Waldpilzvermarktung: getrocknet und frisch: Bodenverbesserung mittels Wurmzucht, EM – Mikroorganismen und …